Brief Introduction to Color Therapy

Color therapy is a part of the non traditional method of healing. Our own body has a unique energy system and we must find a combination of methods to find what works best. Extensive studies have been done in the West regarding the effect of color and light on our physical and mental health. In India we have recognized the importance of Light and color from time immemorial.
Color therapy is not meant as a panacea for every health issue nor can a prescription per say work. We are not practicing medicine when we use this therapy so; we are not flouting any rules of the medical council.
People not trained in the medical field can provide a responsible and drugless alternative to certain health and an emotional problem .The knowledge gained has to be in a nontraditional way where in the student explores and learns from experience. Certifications and degrees may not be recognized in these alternative healing fields. However there are people and institutions willing to train others in these fields, and individual growth can be developed by self study and application.
A basic knowledge of Biology, chemistry and Physics is definitely in order for people interested to go into this field. Also knowledge about many other healing techniques can be combined with color therapy by a wholesome healthy individual who believes in preventive methods of healthy living.
Thus this is surely useful in the health / beauty industry, alternative medicines/healing fields, health tourism, for non medical counseling in schools, workplaces, residences, etc