Introduction gto hand writing analysis
As school children we are all taught to write in a clear and precise manner, but as we grow older we all develop an individual style of writing, clearly then we are different in our characters!
Hand writing Analysis or Graphology is a well studied science indicative of a person’s mental , physical and emotional makeup and to a large extant even spiritual attitude. Writing styles could be well rounded, angular or just a scrawl.
so can we read a particular person from his handwriting? Yes of course…
It is not an occult science to predict future or past events in your life. So beware.
Of course we know for sure we are what we are due to our past experiences and our future also depends on today’s incidents in our life.
Hand writing is basically divided into three zones ,the upper , the middle and the lower zone . Each zone represents a specific part of the writer’s personality. Namely mental, emotional and physical traits in the writer.
A well rounded hand may suggest conformist and a methodical thinker where as an angular writer may indicate a sharp and independent mind.
Organized and erratic personalities..
An organized and clear script indicates an emotionally, physically well controlled writer, whereas a disorganized handwriting may indicate an erratic, hyper active minded person.
Note that none of these traits are indicative of a positive or negative trait in a personality; a highly artistic person may be too distracted to be meticulously organized, while a person may be suffering from obsessive disorder and be extremely organized
Slant and direction of writing : An open,f riendly and happy person as opposed to a secretive ,reserved or repressed writer can also be recognized .
Size of writing:
It can be said that the size of writing can easily show the self confidence, desire for limelight and fame .Actors,successfull and public figures show very large and flourishing hand writings and signatures.
Mahatma Gandhi showed this typical trait of humbleness and desire to lead from the grass roots with simple and small hand writing.
Pressure: People who typically write with a heavy hand display emotional intensity stronger those with a light hand .
Beware if you find an opposing trait in your partner’s reaction to situations, you should have checked his hand writing…
Formation of sentences, using of capitals, connectors and script form can give a pretty accurate character analysis of a writer.
Can we guess if the person is male or female ? Not necessarily as a woman may be aggressive and man may be emotional , opposite to the traits defined by society.
Can we know the age of the writer ? No! again a person may not match the same level of maturity as his age…
Can we predict the writer’s sexual preference? Not exactly… in the sense that we can predict if the person is clannish or grouping with certain community, preferring to hang out with his own kind.etc.
We can easily read whether the writer is secretive or open, easily depressed or optimistic and artistic.
Is he confident? Is he a good leader? Does he learn fast ?
Is he a good boss or a good employee?
Is he a liar, cheater ,truthful and honest? A philanderer? An artist, a writer, or a keen student?
Does the writer suffer from stress, back pain ,or digestive illness?
Don’t you think this is a wonder full science .
Do gather more knowledge about this science of Graphology and use the remedies to develop a better personality for yourself and your child, student, employee, patient, etc.
Graphology is thus a very useful tool for parents, teachers, counselors, heads of departments, etc.
A word of caution though ,this science is to be used with discretion in combination with proper counseling.